
Things often asked about Double Dusk

The namesake
Comes from a joke between me and Glueguy, reminding ourselves this is a place about fun
While experimenting with invedit in Minecraft to find out about the day/night cycles.
I accidentally the whole day and the sun set twice, one right after another.
Glueguy cracked wise about it being double dusk, and the joke was born.

What is creative for?
Sandbox, physics, simulators, open world anything in that area of gaming.
Drawing, music, game creation, anything stream able.
Or when applicable double streams.

What is doubleDoubleDusk for?
 The idea for this comes from wanting to be able to stream two instances of the same game, at the same time for speed runs or competition.
Our past isn't forgotten.
We want DoubleDusk to feel like what it is, one site, one community, one place where people have varied interests, but all come together to have a good time.